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A Trip to Naples, Italy

The last time I've been to this place I was 2, but now I'm 13 and could not wait to go. I went with my grandmother, my uncle, and cousin. It was a 14 hr trip, it was tough but I got through it. We got there and it was amazing but my grandmothers brother picked us up and drove us to a little town in Naples called a leaf. We finally got to our destination and I started eating. I met all of my family members and enjoyed all of the amazing things we talked about. After I finally got done eating my cousins Mariana and Rosanna and I went out to watch a football game with Mariana's brother and his friends and had a blasts. That was my best first night I had in Italy. Rosanna and I finally woke up and it was already lunch time. My grandmother had all of the nice warm bread sandwich's already and out on the table. I could wait for me to sink my teeth into that sandwich, and when i did my taste buds exploded it was amazing how that sandwich taste. After that sandwich I had about 5 more. After I ate about 6 sandwich's it was dinner time there was pasta, salad, chick, sausage, and meatballs it was amazing, it was like being in heaven. The sun was going down and Rosanna and I were heading out to have fun with Mariana with hr brother and his friends. We were headed to the basketball court. It wasn't a long walk but it was tiring. After the tiring walk we arrived, we split up into 2 teams and started playing. It was such a exciting and funny game and I enjoyed it. My cousins dropped us off at my house and I passed out in bed. the days flew by so fast I didn't even know. It was our last night, we threw a party and made pizza's. After the party my uncle gave the rest of the money and told us to go buy what ever we want. So Rosanna and I went out with our cousins and had a blast we stayed out for the longest we did since we were here and had a blast. Can't wait to go back and see them.

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