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My 4 Day Trip to Lake Placid

Lake Placid when I think lake placid I think cold, shopping having fun, and spending time with my amazing friends. I have been to Lake Placid more than once but this time it was a lot better. It took about an hour and a half to get there but it was so worth it. When we first arrived my friends and I had our own room and my friends parents had the room next store from us. The view that I had was amazing, you could see everything. The first thing that we did was go swimming, the hotel had a pool. We first got down to the pool we decided to go in the hot tub, then the pool, then the sauna, and back in the pool. After those 2 hours down at the pool we got ready and went to go see a dogs purpose at the theater that was there, but the way that we took was walking. It was a cold walk, I thought my fingers were going to fall off. We arrived at the movies and we couldn't wait to get inside because how cold it was. I got popcorn, lots of candy, and a dink. We kept switching seats after seats not knowing wear to site. We finally picked a spot and sat there. The movie started and by the end of it I at least cried 5 times. It was a great movie and if I could, I would go back and see it again. After that movie ended we headed outside and went to walk around. We looked at some stores to see what they had. Well in most of them they had hockey jersey's, hockey sticks and more. While we there at the hotel they had a hockey tournament going on, there were so much hockey players it was incredible. our second day that we were there went shopping there we so many places to go we didn't know where to go first. So we walked in this one hockey store, and I saw all of these hockey teams that I never knew. They had so many ice skates and amazing things there. There was a Olympic ice skating rink and an Olympic ski jumps it was really cool. After that day I at least lost 20 pounds from walking so much I couldn't feel my legs. The next day was a blur we didn't do much, but our last day was amazing. We walked down to Stewarts and bought as much energy drinks as we can but we didn't drink them all. That night we stayed up to 2:00 am, throwing a party by morning we were packing and heading out. That trip was the best Lake Placid trip ever and I can't wait to go back.

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