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Myrtle Beach, California

It was in the the middle of August and my family had dinner. My cousins came to stop by and my mom called my, sister, and my brother outside. My sister said what do they want us for. So we headed outside and my mom and dad sat us down and said we are going to myrtle beach and we were so happy. My family haven't been to myrtle beach in a while so it was a big deal. But that wasn't it my cousin was coming to, I was even happier. The day came and we left at 5:00 am. It was horrible waking up that early. It took about 12 hours and 53 min. It was a very uncomfortable ride, especially with 6 people in the car. We arrived and were jumping out of our seats. It was so hot there and there were so many things to do. The hotel that we were staying at had the beach right behind it, also the lazy river, a pool, and a pirate ship for kids. When we got there we decided to go right to the beach. My dad, my sister Rosa and my cousin Rosanna went, and as soon as we got in the water my dad got stung by a jelly fish it was bad. So we decided to head back to the room to settle down and go to bed. When I woke up my dad was cooking breakfast and my mom had already got a spot on the beach and by the pool. I ate some breakfast and we all got ready and headed down to the pool. The sun was shinning so hard and it was so hot. As soon as I put my stuff down I jumped right into the lazy river, it felt so good. Rosa, Rosanna, and I swam for a while.Then we saw this lady who was braiding kids hair and wrapping yarn around a piece of hair. We thought it was cool so we ask my mom and went to go get our money and got it done. It took a while, but after it looked so cool and I loved it. That night we went out and went to a restaurant. They cooked all different kinds of seafood and I love seafood. So we ordered food and it was amazing. After a few days passed Rosa, Rosanna and I were heading out to go to the beach. But my mom stopped us because they just announced that there was a 12 foot shark so I turned right back around and went straight to the pool. That day ended quickly. The next day we headed to the aquarium and I couldn't not wait because it was my first time. We saw all different kind of fish even piranha's. We decided to save the sharks for last because sharks are my favorite animal. After we saw all of the other fish in the aquarium it was time to go see the sharks. We headed in and it is was so cool to see a shark that close to me. After we got out I was so amazed. Our last day came and we had a blasts. There was a dace party and more we stayed up late so it was hard to wake up in the morning. We were finally all packed up and were ready to go. I was not happy to be back in the car for 12 hours again but on the other hand I couldn't wait to go home.

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