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New Jersey

When I heard that I can go to New Jersey with my friend Emily, and my sister can also come I was so excited. We were staying there for a week. The day came and my sister and I were so excited. Emily picked us up and we got breakfast on the way. It took about 3 hours and 47 min. It was a long drive but it was fun and comfortable. When we arrived, I got out of the car it was so hot, I could wait to go to the beach. We ran up to our room and it was huge, and they also had a pool. We unpacked a jumped right into the pool. The water was so nice and cool. For dinner we had Chinese food. The next we spent the whole day out on the beach we went shopping got food etc. That day I got a bad sun burn it was painful, but I got through it. For our 3rd day they had this huge monster truck. We decided to go on it, it was so amazing we laugh the whole time. There was also this car show. We saw all of the different cars, they were really loud. The next day we went to the breakfast and the line was so long. Luckily her mom made reservations. I was so hungry, I ordered the biggest meal. After that big meal we walked on the board walk for the day, and we saw a festival going on. So that night we went to the festival it was so fun there were a couple of rides. This one ride was so fun he went on it at least 5 times in a row. We also got food, there was fried doe and fried Oreos. It was also me and my sisters first time at having fried Oreos. They were so delicious and the cream in between melted in your mouth. It was our last day, we started getting everything together and all packed up. After we got everything packed up we went and saw the Jersey Shore house I was so excited. They garage door had a huge Italian flag on it. It was a great trip and I would go anytime again and when I go I can't wait to have more fried Oreos.

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