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I Want Travel To....

The number one place I love to travel to the BAHAMA'S! They have all different kinds of Islands. For example, they have Pig Island, that is most popular. Pig Island is an island but it's full of pigs, and the pigs also swim with you. There are other islands such as Iguana Island and Stingray Island. There are so many actives to do in the Bahama's. For example, you can either go subdividing, parasailing, snorkeling etc.. If I go there some time I would do snorkeling. Snorkeling is my favorite, and I would love to see all of the fish and how amazing it is under the water. I would also go see every island they have. I almost forgot the food, and I bet it is so good. out of the top ten popular dishes they have, I would pick between Rock Lobster, Johnnycakes, and Baked Crab. Oh and the water how warm and clear it is and how white the sand is. The weather is approximately in the high 80's which is amazing. I have never swum in the water like that. But I positively know that it looks like it does in the pictures because my aunt and uncle went, and they said they had a blast. Also at the Bahama's they have this huge pyramid slide. If you can spot it in the picture that's what I would also o on. Oh, and I want that massive tan. If or when I go I want to go with friends and family and do all of the activities that they have there. The hotel that I would stay at is Reef Atlantis. My second choice would be One and Only Ocean Club and my last would be Pink Sands. These are all of the reasons why I would like to go to the Bahama's.

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